Custom Career & Portfolio Strategy Kit


Your Fast-Forward Button For Your Art Career
Strategies and resources to maximize your art and time

While going through the step-by-step video presentations and supporting PDF guides full of examples, you'll put together a custom career and portfolio plan that aims to get you into the industry as soon as possible. 

The Guide PDF will aid in assessing your skills, and prompt which direction to consider in regards to illustration vs concept art, and freelance vs in-house. The Illustration Projects and Concept Art Projects PDF's contain 700+ briefs to use as a framework for you to build an engaging and cohesive portfolio around. The projects cover themes such as light-hearted fantasy, dark fantasy, mythological, science fiction, Lovecraftian, historical medieval, and more! The individual image outlines cover characters, creatures/animals, props/items, vehicles, locations, and full scenes.

• Assess your Skills
• Portfolio Do's and Don'ts
• Freelance and In-house Rates
• Set your Skill and Career Goals
400+ Concept Art image briefs to use
300+ Illustration image briefs to use
• 128 Slides of the video presentation
• Condensed 1-Page Custom Career Plan

DETAILS: The kit has 7 sections and videos (videos average 30 minutes each). Currently all video and documents are only available in English.

INSTRUCTORS: Clint and Diana Cearley, are AAA professional illustrators, art instructors, and have served as the Director of Studies at Syn Studio Concept Art School, and as a Senior Art Supervisor at Blizzard. They have reviewed hundreds of student portfolios, and have had students go on to work at Ubisoft, Eidos, Atomhawk, Behavior, and EA. We took the very best parts of the portfolio and career workshops and presentations that we’ve been hosting for years, and combined, expanded, and streamlined them into this easy-to-follow kit.

IMPORTANT: This kit is included as a bonus resource with all courses (self-study and with feedback) on the Swatches Academy site. Save $ by picking up an art course and get this kit content with it!

Standard Use License
License: Standard License
Stock Assets

For personal use and one commercial project (up to 2,000 sales or 20,000 views).


One copy to be used by a single user.

Installable Tools

One installation by a single user.

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Files (2)
Swatches Career and Portfolio Kit Videos
zip /
1.1 GB
Career and Portfolio Strategy Kit Files - Swatches Academy
zip /
61 MB